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7:04am 10-19-2009
Jessica / Dan - I really like your idea about checking the pings around HOG from a very small time frame. That seems very doable.
emmab - we enhanced a picture of the suspect, and it really looks like his foot was not fully in his shoe, which gave the shoe an odd appearance - too big, and flat in the front.
accused - you said one nice thing - about the age of a missing person being raised - please try to contribute like this in the future. we all know your gripe, and we don't know you, and we can't help you. If your conscience is clean, then just stop worrying. I doubt we are all cops. we are probably mothers and fathers who sympathize with a family who lost their daughter. I would hope your own mother would never see the kinds of things you write.
4:43am 10-19-2009
Still not sure if I think the person of interest is male or female. However I always thought the shoe looked a little odd. I am now living in the UK and saw some in a brochure they were stated as being "italia" which I believe is an expensive brand of shoe. Shoes the same type seem to retail for about $400.00. Perhaps they were purchased from a charity store or new ?? just a thought
1:12am 10-19-2009
Well off to bed maybe see you all tomorrow night.
1:00am 10-19-2009
you're absolutely right Jessica, rethinking this I believe that would help tremendously, If they have not thought of this and acted on it I hope they do soon. Brainstorming like this will eventually lead to the truth and maybe get some answers. Keep up the good work, you seem to be well in tune with this case, we just need to keep it moving forward.
12:49am 10-19-2009
Dan-Yep the 30 secs in the car could be a call to get picked up. Which if this incident took place between two or more people that could help bc someone always ends up turning on the other or someone could slip up on there end. Law enforcement should look at this because they have him at HOG at noon and even have the exact time he was in the vehicle becuase of the surveillance. So maybe if they look at calls made at those exact seconds that pinged off the nearest HOG tower.
12:43am 10-19-2009
Jessica don't play into his hand, he is obviously an idiot, keep ignoring him.
12:39am 10-19-2009
Hi Jessica, yeah thats my point would they be willing to spend the man hours to do this. The 30 sec in the car making a phone call makes perfect sense. Maybe having a cohort meet him to be picked up .
12:22am 10-19-2009
You know accused I have ignored your pathetic posts here long enough. If you have nothing productive to say about this case then leave and go find a hobby which should probably include reading Scripture. Since you feel you are so well versed in the Bible let me tell you that God reveals his plans and truths through Dreams and Visions for your information. Let me give you some examples since you have no idea the blashemy you say in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ! Moses and the Burning Bush, Mary and Joseph through Dreams, Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah (Isaiah Chapter 6) through visions. John seeing Christ's glory in John chapter 12. No one on here is claiming to be a psychic.
Replied on: 8:50am 10-19-2009

jessica, leave the accused along and let him blabber all he wants, pay no attention to him I will remove the entries.

12:10am 10-19-2009
wb-that is true about the coffee-say if he was staking out the condo area during hte mornign hrs. Dan- I don't think getting the ping data would be a financial issue. I mean all it costs is the peice of papers it is on. Yeah it would take lots and lots of man hours but lets see Law enforcement has already allowed 3 years. What some more time researching those pings. We obviously have POI at HOG at noon which would give a definite PING! Plus we don not know what eactly he was doing in that vehicle for 30 secs. It could of been to call someone? Yep that immediate relsease of the vehicle angers me as well! It was a huge mistake on their part. I heard that they kept it to try to catch POI on their own and use it against him. They should of released it immediately and set up a few billboard or jumbotrons on that intersection with him image and the facts they have on him!!!
12:08am 10-19-2009
Bill M, you may be right, and to add to this it could of been a stun gun.
12:00am 10-19-2009
wb, welcome back, hey i was looking back in earlier posts to kind of catch up, and i saw where you said you know james hataway, is this the same hataway that we have all read about on the occasio case? Just curious, he is bad news.
11:54pm 10-18-2009
Jessica, I think they could probably do the research and the pings but it would be soooo time consuming and costly as well. Not to mention hundreds of other users in the area pinging off those towers. The one thing I have always been upset with is why LE never released the video as soon as they found it, why did they wait? I will never understand that. I know they have their reasons but it just behooves me as to why. I know this does not help find her but i can't help but to think if it would of been released the time it was found the public may have remembered something while it was still fresh so to speak. I may be wrong but it seems as tho her condo did get checked out by LE but will have to go back and research it to be sure. Personally I have never given it much thought about in the condo, i still believe something happened outside.
11:50pm 10-18-2009
Jessica don't remeber if you heard the family say to me that Jennifer didn't drink Coffee, that makes me think about that dream you had about her. since she didn't drink coffee does that mean the POI does, and thats why in that dream of yours she keeps saying something about her going to get coffee.
Replied on: 5:28pm 10-19-2009

how do you know trey? you two were having a good banter session and trey fell off a couple days ago? Just from coming here and joining in the discussion? I like it when a lot of questions are shared, gets my mind working on things I never thought about.

11:47pm 10-18-2009
Bill our thought is that he entered Mosaic from the side entrance. It is a gated but it leads to the main road. I saw some pictures online where someone had photographed the area and it appears that side gate was slightly broken-allowing someone to slip through. I will look for this photo to post on here. Once POI parked her car at HOG I don't think he returned to her apt. bc Jennifer's family had already alerted Mosaic and I beleive someone from the front office went to check on her apt.
11:41pm 10-18-2009
Bill M
Very interesting discussion this evening. But if the bloodhound scent stopped at the door of her apartment, and was not found within, so did the POI. There are plenty of drugs when injected put you out in seconds, then he could have tied her hands and feet with the string, got her keys and put her in the trunk of her car. Evil luck has it that no one saw him take her out of Mosaic. I believed he walked to Jennifer's apartment from HOG, where he probably left his vehicle, a brazen move, but it worked, since Jennifer's car was not discovered for 48 hours (if I remejmber right). POIs vehicle was long gone by then, probably removed under cover of darkness. We gotta figure out where he went next, for the 5 and 1/2 hours he had her car. What was the radius. What airports could have been used to get her quickly out of the country. What yachts left with an overseas destination? And back to the apartment, how on earth did he get past the front, security door and up to her apartment? How did he get a pass key? He did, and this element of surprise is what allowed the abduction. Are there any photos of the stairwell, where her car was parked vis a vis the front door, the gate exiting Mosaic? I think it happened at 7:30. If Jennifer had left later for work.....well, POI would have had bunches of witnesses, the construction workers. POI would not have dared do it after the workers arrived. I bet our "accused" knows how POI got the pass key to her front door.
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